Our Cookie Policy elucidates how we utilize cookies and analogous tracking technologies on our website. Your use of our website implies consent to the cookie usage described herein. If you disagree with our cookie utilization, you can disable or block them in your browser settings.

What are Cookies?
Cookies are concise text files deposited on your device during website visits, serving purposes such as preserving preferences, improving user experience, and supplying website usage statistics.

Types of Cookies We Use
a. Essential Cookies: Vital for basic website functionality, facilitating navigation, secure access, and eSIM service management.
b. Analytical Cookies: Gather data on visitor website usage to comprehend user behavior, enhance performance, and optimize content.
c. Functional Cookies: Remember your choices and preferences, ensuring a personalized browsing experience.
d. Advertising Cookies: May deliver personalized ads based on your interests and website interactions.

Third-Party Cookies
We may allow third-party providers like Google Analytics to use cookies, aiding in website traffic analysis and social media integration. Refer to the privacy and cookie policies of these entities for additional information.

Managing Cookies
Most browsers enable cookie control through settings, allowing adjustments in preferences to accept, reject, or delete cookies. Note that blocking or disabling specific cookies may impact website functionality.

Cookie Consent
Upon your first visit, a cookie banner will appear, notifying you of our cookie usage. By clicking "Accept" or continuing to use our website, you consent to the described cookie usage.

Changes to this Cookie Policy
We retain the right to promptly update this policy, with changes effective upon posting. Periodically review for updates.

Contact Us
For inquiries or concerns about our Cookie Policy or cookie usage on our website, please reach out to us.

We appreciate your visit to our eSIM provider site, valuing your privacy while aiming to deliver a seamless and personalized browsing experience with transparent cookie practices.